Cox Collaboratory shares their top 3 IoT and smart cities podcasts

Podcast recording set upDid you know that, according to Podcast Insights, there are more than two million podcasts currently available for your listening pleasure? That’s a lot of content to listen to!

The good news is that if you’re interested in learning more about technology-focused topics like smart devices or the Internet of Things (IoT) — our tech experts recently shared four reasons why IoT is exploding in popularity — there are a number of podcasts available to upskill and familiarize yourself with the latest trends in these areas.

To celebrate International Podcast Day, experts at ASU’s Cox Connected Environments Collaboratory are sharing three Internet of Things (IoT) and smart cities-focused podcasts to add to your listening rotation:

The IoT for All Podcast 
The IoT for All Podcast is focused on bringing together experts from across industries to share their success stories, solutions, and advice to help the world better understand IoT! No matter if you’re a newbie or a tech expert, podcasts are conveniently categorized by topics like connectivity, IoT business strategy, IoT prototyping and development and more to help you dive deeper into specific topics of interest.

The Channel 9 Internet of Things Show
With more than 300 episodes available, the Internet of Things Show  allows listeners and viewers to stay up-to-date with latest Microsoft IoT announcements, product and features demos, customer and partner spotlights, top industry talks and technical deep dives. Bonus: The IoT Show also offers IoT Deep Dive, live-streaming events where you can learn about how to build IoT solutions and deep dive into scenarios like intelligent edge, DevOps, asset tracking and other top requested technical deep dives. 

The Urban Complex
Co-hosted by ASU’s Chris Richardson and Dominic Papa of the Arizona Commerce Authority, The Urban Complex focuses on sharing cutting-edge developments from industry leaders to create smarter cities for a stronger tomorrow. With more than 35 episodes published, Chris and Dom speak with high-profile thought leaders to explore the relationship between technology and cities better suited to serve its inhabitants.

Happy listening! Learn more about the Cox Collaboratory, and contribute a big idea.